Monday, 22 April 2013

Weird Planet!

Hello folks!  We've got a new science fiction comic for you.  We've added it to the tabs on the top of the page.  Stay tuned for some of the black and white line art and a description of both the writing and art process we'll be posting in the near future. But in the mean time check it out, and enjoy...

 (click on the image to view the full comic)

Weird Planet comic, Michael Chabon, Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

Monday, 1 April 2013

Issue Three Update!

Ok y'all, here comes an important update... We are closing writing submissions.

We have had an overwhelming response so far and are now in the position where we have a backlog of scripts in need of artists, so if you are gifted with the pen and want to get involved just e-mail us at and we will match you up with an eagerly-waiting story to draw.

Provided we get enough artists to cover all our current scripts, it is possible that we will re-open submissions for solo writers in the future. We'll post an update if this happens, but until then, we are still accepting artist and story + art submissions as usual.

A bunch of our creative teams have gone away to work on their stories and we already have a completed story in!  Furthermore, to give you a little taste of what we have in store for you, here is Ken McFarlane's sketch of The Gent. He will be working on a Hex-centric (see what we did there?) story written by Jamie Lewis.

Moreover, very soon we'll be releasing our latest short story inspired by Michael Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

See you all in the funny books,